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  • Medical Medium - Thyroid Healing : The truth behind Hashimoto’s, Graves’, insomnia, hypothyroidism, thyroid nodules & Epstein-Barr
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Autor: William, Anthony
    Responsabilitate: Anthony William
    Editura: Hay House
    Locul publicării: Carlsbad (CA)
    Anul Ediției: 2017
    ISBN: 978-1-4019-4836-8
    Descriere: 279 p. : hardcover; 19,5x24 cm.+ supracopertă
    Limba: Engleză
    Serie: Medical Medium
    Subiect: glanda tiroidă
    Subiect: medicină alternativă
    Subiect: medicină naturistă
    Subiect: vindecare holistică
    Sumar sau abstract:
    Across age groups, from baby boomers and their parents to millennials and even children, more and more people—women especially—are hearing that their thyroids are to blame for their fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, memory issues, aches and pains, tingles and numbness, insomnia, hair loss, hot flashes, sensitivity to cold, constipation, bloating, anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, loss of libido, restless legs, and more. Everyone wants to know how to free themselves from the thyroid trap.As the thyroid has gotten more and more attention, though, these symptoms haven’t gone away—people aren’t healing. Labeling someone with "Hashimoto’s," "hypothyroidism," or the like doesn’t explain the myriad health issues that person may experience. That’s because there’s a pivotal truth that goes by unnoticed: A thyroid problem is not the ultimate reason for a person’s illness. A problematic thyroid is yet one more symptom of something much larger than this one small gland in the neck. It’s something much more pervasive in the body, something invasive, that’s responsible for the laundry list of symptoms and conditions attributed to thyroid disease.In Medical Medium Thyroid Healing, Anthony William, the Medical Medium, reveals an entirely new take on the epidemic of thyroid illness.
    Clasificare: 61=111
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