Biblioteca Municipală Codlea
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  • You can heal your life
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Autor: Hay, Louise L.
    Responsabilitate: Louise L. Hay
    Editura: Hay House
    Locul publicării: Carlsbad (CA)
    Anul Ediției: 2013
    ISBN: 978-0-937611-01-8
    Descriere: 253 p. : paperback; 13,5x21 cm.
    Limba: Engleză
    Subiect: vindecare holistică
    Subiect: spiritualitate
    Subiect: carte în limba engleză
    Subiect: autoacceptare
    Subiect: autocunoaștere
    Sumar sau abstract:
    Full of ideas and strategies that have worked for millions of people worldwide. You Can Heal Your Life, the definitive bestselling book on self-healing, has transformed the lives of millions of people. This is a book that people credit with profoundly altering their awareness of the impact that the mind has on our health and wellbeing.

    In this inspirational work, world renowned teacher Louise L. Hay offers profound insight into the relationship between the mind and the body. Exploring the way that limiting thoughts and ideas control and constrict us, she offers us a powerful key to understanding the roots of our physical diseases and discomforts.This practical self-help guide will change the way you think forever!
    Cota topografică: Engleză/H41
    Clasificare: 159.9
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