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  • I Can Make You Sleep : Hypnosis CD
  • Tipul înregistrării: Înregistrări sonore nemuzicale: monografic
    Autor: McKenna, Paul
    Producător: Osbourne, Mike
    Responsabilitate: Paul McKenna
    Responsabilitate secundară: Produced and mixed by Mike Osbourne
    Editura: Mike Osbourne
    Locul publicării: United Kingdom
    Anul Ediției: 2009
    Descriere: 22 min. : CD : stereo
    Note: WARNING – Do not listen to this CD while driving or operating heavy machinery or if you suffer from epilepsy. If in doubt consult your doctor.
    Limba: Engleză
    Subiect: hipnoză
    Subiect: programare neuro-lingvistică
    Subiect: autosugestie
    Sumar sau abstract:
    Following the huge success of his blockbuster weight-loss program, Paul McKenna has created a groundbreaking new book-and-CD set that will be welcomed by millions. It reveals the secrets of getting regular, deep, refreshing sleep — and banishing insomnia for good.

    McKenna understands the frustration of not getting a good night’s rest, and his trademarked system — which consists of the book and CD working in harmony to reset your body's natural sleep mechanism — is the solution every insomniac has been waiting for. Whether you find it difficult to fall sleep, wake frequently during the night, or get up too early, his method both increases the amount of sleep you enjoy and, crucially, improves its quality. And, one of the best things about McKenna’s technique, which took him 20 years to develop, is that you needn’t "believe" in it: just follow his instructions, listen to the CD, and watch what happens.
    Clasificare: 37.04(086.7):159.947
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