Biblioteca Municipală Codlea
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  • Instant Confidence : Mind-programming CD
  • Tipul înregistrării: Înregistrări sonore nemuzicale: monografic
    Autor: McKenna, Paul
    Producător: Osbourne, Mike
    Responsabilitate: Paul McKenna
    Responsabilitate secundară: Produced and mixed by Mike Osbourne
    Mixed by Dave Hunt
    Editura: Mike Osbourne
    Locul publicării: United Kingdom
    Anul Ediției: [s.a.]
    Descriere: 29 min. : CD : stereo
    Note: WARNING – Do not listen to this CD while driving or operating heavy machinery or if you suffer from epilepsy. If in doubt consult your doctor.
    Limba: Engleză
    Subiect: gândire pozitivă
    Subiect: programare neuro-lingvistică
    Subiect: autosugestie
    Sumar sau abstract:
    Would you like to have the confidence to go for anything you want in life?
    Would you like to feel strong in difficult situations?
    Whether you want to feel totally confident in business, romance, or any other area of your life, Paul McKenna will walk you step by step through a series of simple yet powerful techniques normally only available to his private clients and seminar attendees.
    A hypnosis audio cd which uses the latest psychological techniques to fill your mind with positive thoughts and feelings. Each time you listen, you will be re-enforcing positive optimism and programming your mind for success.
    Clasificare: 37.04(086.7):159.947
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