Biblioteca Municipală Codlea
Catalogul conține  17668  titluri și  17531 exemplare

  • Punished by Rewards : The trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise and other Bribes
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Autor: Kohn, Alfie
    Responsabilitate: Alfie Kohn
    Editura: Houghton Mifflin Company
    Locul publicării: Boston
    Anul Ediției: 1993
    ISBN: 978-0-618-00181-1
    Descriere: 430 p. : paperback; 15x23 cm.
    Limba: Engleză
    Subiect: psihologie
    Subiect: motivație
    Subiect: comportament social
    Subiect: carte în limba engleză
    Sumar sau abstract:
    The basic strategy we use for raising children, teaching students, and managing workers can be summarized in six words: Do this and you'll get that. We dangle goodies (from candy bars to sales commissions) in front of people in much the same way that we train the family pet.

    Since its publication in 1993, this groundbreaking book has convinced countless parents, teachers, and managers that working with people is more successful than doing things to them. Do rewards motivate people? asks Kohn. Yes. They motivate people to get rewards. Moreover, the use of rewards actually undermines the quality of people's work or learning – and causes them to lose interest in whatever they've been bribed to do. Seasoned with humor and familiar examples – and updated to include a wealth of recent research – Punished by Rewards presents an argument unsettling to hear but impossible to dismiss.
    Cota topografică: Limba engleză/K68
    Clasificare: 159.98
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